But I don’t just want to offer recipes. There are millions of recipes online but they don’t teach the theory of cooking. It is like playing a piece of music versus knowing how to make beautiful music on your own, by way of understanding the theory. So my goal with Foodie Fridays is to share with you the theory behind cooking. I have explored scone theory, tomato theory, pizza/crostata theory, camp food theory and pantry theory. Today, I want to talk about Stir-Fry theory.
Do you have a recipe you have been dying to share? Or even just a food thought, tips and tricks or a picture you’ve been drooling over on Pinterest. Join the Foodie Conversation and link up using the linky tool below! Make sure to comment on other people’s posts as well and slap this little button on your post so we can get more closet foodie’s out to join the fun!
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