Written by Poppies Blooming….
Carrington Burman
I don’t even know where to begin for this post. It breaks my heart to say this but the photo below may upset you. Also, if you have young children you may prefer to not show them this post.
I’ve shared so much of my heart for orphans on this blog. I’ve tried to raise awareness, whatever that means, and I’ve asked you who read my blog countless times to help the orphans by praying, donating, or adopting.
I’ve shared about the conditions the little ones exist in in countries such as Eastern Europe… banging on and on about their need and asking, begging for your help.
A bruised reed He will not break,
And smoking flax He will not quench;
He will bring forth justice for truth. Isaiah 42v3
I have used this Scripture on my blog several times, even made mention of it in my previous post regarding Kirill. But why is this significant? Because it shows that God placed value on those who were weak… He did not discard someone just because those around them may not place any value on them.
In Eastern Europe, children with special needs (the weak or imperfect) are cast off… put into orphanages to be forgotten, then sent to institutions to warehouse them until their death. They simply do not value the lives of children with special needs.
This is where Reece’s Rainbow steps in. To find families for these precious children. All of those who advocate post on our blogs hoping that a family will come forward for these beautiful kids. We simply do not want to see the same children on the Angel Tree year after year. We want them to be home, in a family, learning what love is and what it can do.
One of these children, a little girl now named Carrington, was in great need of a family. She was adopted by the Burman family and when her new Mum got her to the flat they were staying in whilst in Eastern Europe, she was shocked by what she saw.
You may wonder how she didn’t know this already. Well, it is quite common for the carers to bundle the children up in big heavy coats even just for a meeting in an indoor room at the orphanage. I’ve said before but it is worth mentioning again, that it may very well be to keep the new family from seeing how small they are.
In Carrington’s case, it couldn’t have been more true. As the following photo shows, she was literally dying. She is 3 years old and weighs 11 lbs.
When her new Mum saw her condition she contacted her paediatrician in the US and they arranged for her to be taken immediately to the emergency room in hospital upon landing in the US. That was Thursday night. As of now, Carrington is in a fight for her life. Her body was already shutting down, preparing to die. She hasn’t kept anything down, even that which has been administered by tube.
This is the little life on who’s behalf we are pleading…
Thank you so much for your prayers.
**POST EDIT- updates on little Carrington’s progress can be found here
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