Written today around 3pm…
Today, our friends south of the border are celebrating Thanksgiving and I am feeling the need to count my blessings likewise but am having extreme difficulty. I thought I was prepared for the start of Advent. By the beginning of November my christmas shopping was well underway, I had made my spreadsheet of christmas card recipients, started to write our church advent readings and was generally stoked and ready to go. But at some point in this past week pandora’s box opened and chaos insued. Things had been put on hold during Ella’s epic week of the flu and now it is catch up time. I thought if I just focused on one thing at a time, checked it off and moved onto the next I would be okay. I could feel the seams stretching but was managing to keep it together. Well today….I think the seam has broken….and I am about to come undone.
Thankfully the Advent readings are done. The album I had to do this week in a hurry so it would be ready for a client by Christmas is done, big shop for Saturday’s reception is done. Staff meeting and review: done. And now, I am taking a break from creating about 100 favors for the Patron of the Arts Reception. But here is how I know the seam has come undone: I am not having fun doing it. It is clouded by the chaos that still reigns. Jakob flooded the basement again in attempts to get rid of the snow by leaving the hose on outside, he has taken to peeing on his carpet for the fun of it and lets just say, there is no nap time in the Ewert house today.
Its now 10pm:
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