For some time now I have wrestled with the idea of “blogging” or more specifically, blogging for money. I know how to do it. It’s no wonder really – there is a tonne of articles circulating out there in cyberspace with titles like, “How to make money blogging” or “How to get 1000 Twitter followers in a day” because the reality is, if you want to make money blogging, you have to blog about just that: how to make money blogging. I know that to get more post views you have to write “how-to’s” or “Five ways to ___________.” But here is the thing: I don’t want to. It’s not why I write. The reason that I write is still the same as when I started blogging seven years ago. (Eeek, can you believe it’s been seven years!).
In 2008, when we were preparing to move from BC to Alberta (the first time), Jakob had just turned one. There were and still are a lot of people who loved Jakob and loved watching him grow. The Adventures of Us was a way to let those people know what was happening in our lives even though I couldn’t sit down with them and have a cup of tea. It was a way for me to have a conversation with them without having to be in the same room. The purpose of this space remains the same to this day. Being a mom is isolating. Being the parent of a child with Special Needs is ESPECIALLY isolating. A lot of us don’t get out much and when we do, we have no time to chat with other moms because we are busy making sure our child does not a.) kill themselves b.) kill others or c.) run away. That being said, when I first started blogging, my posts would get an average of 30 views. A REALLY good post would get close to 60. Over the years, readership has grown and for that I am truly grateful. That being said, it’s not just my mom reading my blog anymore, although she remains to be my biggest fan. And while I want to sit down and have a cup of tea with ALL of you, I can’t.
This doesn’t mean, however that we can’t share this one beautiful life. I want this place to be more than me telling you how I do things, or just recounting my week. I want this place to be a springboard for conversation. I’m a mom too, and I do find it isolating. I don’t claim to have any authority on organic living, spirit-led parenting or anything else, but I can share with you my experiences, products I love, things I have found that work, things I have found that DON’T work. I LOVE sharing with you our victories and hope that you will find encouragement from my shortcomings. I want you to feel free to say, “I’m so glad I’m not the only one”.
As you may have noticed, I’m doing some renovations on this space to hone in on that purpose. I want to make this space intentional, inviting, and homey. Please don’t mind the mess. So sit back, pour yourself a virtual cup of tea and make yourself at home. Oh, and while I am cleaning things up I am shamelessly going to suggest that you go ahead and follow me on social media. In the top left corner you will see the social media icons. Please like my Facebook page, follow me on instagram, twitter or pinterest. All of this is part of the conversation. We can swap ideas. Oh, and the greatest way to have a conversation – comment. I LOVE comments. Truly. Seriously. I love comments, so go ahead. Don’t be shy. Need an idea? Here, tell me, what kind of things do you like to read about – here or elsewhere. Do you like to read posts about food are have you read the latest Margaret Atwood book. I long for conversation.
Talk to me, oh and if I haven’t scared you off, please know, I am so glad you stopped by.
Sorry, one more thing – if you notice something that isn’t working on the blog please let me know. There are a lot of little details and it is a work in progress.
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