I have often found that there are two approaches to life. The spectator and the participant. There are the individuals that grab the bull by the horns and give it everything they’ve got. They chase after their dreams and pursue their passions. They may win, or they may lose but regardless, they play their heart out.
Then there are the spectators- you will never find a spectator because they will always argue that life cannot just be watched. Everybody that is living has some sort of life and therefore, they are obligated to participate. But the reality is, is that more often than not they simply watch life come and go and take what they can get when it comes. They live out of convenience and the safety of the stands. If a pop flight happens to makes its way to their seat, sure, they’ll take it, and enjoy it but there is little risk and nothing to lose.
Well it doesn’t take much to guess which category I fall in. But as I get older there is a part of me that would much rather sit on the sidelines. It’s safe….and there is far less ridicule.
My husband likes to listen to sports radio (what man doesn’t). IT DRIVES ME CRAZY! All these guys who think they are all that talking down these players when they may have never even played the sport themselves. “Did you see how Luongo totally let that puck in? He should have had his glove higher. Where was his focus?”
Retrospect is a beautiful thing. But the bottom line is that Lu is out there playing the game and you guys are sitting on a couch eating Cheetos and GETTING FAT! Okay, maybe that’s a little much but do you get what I am saying?
If you take a risk, a spectator will have something to say about it and how irresponsible it is. And what you have to keep in mind is that they may not have the same values or priorities. And although I value good stewardship I don’t think God cares how much I have in my bank account.
Our lives have been filled with “stupid” decisions. My husband and I both have degrees we may never use that we paid far too much for and he has a 2nd degree which we paid even more than too much for. Was it the wisest decision to go to school for a total of 10 years with little to show for it. Some would say no. (However, that being said, my husband is actually putting his degree to use in the job he is in now). But you could just see the bewilderment on the spectators faces when we made those plays. And I am sure they will have the same look when we make our next….that is too say if we don’t chicken out.
So my question is – as a participant, how do you determine the next play? (Besides sticking a “I feel God calling me to _______) in front of it. Probably best just not to answer that question….
About Me
Hi, I’m Krista.
Strategic communicator and storyteller.
I am the wife of a very talented musician who takes me around the world in pursuit of excellence. Mama to Jakob, Audrey and Ella, who just happens to have Down Syndrome.
And an aspiring disciple of Jesus, defender of the oppressed, writer, graphic designer and photographer.I write and speak on navigating through the fog of life…you know, when things don’t go exactly as planned and am fuelled by a passion to amplify the voices of those on the margins…
oh, and coffee…lots of coffee.Sign up for my Newsletter
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